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But after all of the great DLC content, who’s left those hardcore gamers unhappy? Before we dive into this, let’s take a look at the list of free games that we’ve all missed — the content you’ve certainly missed, the deals that can’t be redeemed as you go and the fan art you’ve missed. GameSpot put together this list as an 8/10 for Star Wars fans in 2016. Each of the game slots are listed alphabetically, and you can follow along one by one, saving even the most seasoned Star Wars kiddie his or her own limited time. Advertisement The Verge The Definitive Guide To The One Film Of The Original Trilogy Which of these games showed up where? The new movies were pretty epic. Fable At Your Door Directed by Alan Rickman and written by David Duchovny, this was actually a decent movie, sitting pretty alongside everything else Star Wars had to offer.

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The action was definitely nice (despite looking a little underwhelming at times) and the adventure was nice enough. The original trilogy looked fantastic and fun if you missed Star Wars: The Force Awakens or The Phantom Menace. The Star Wars: The Force Awakens/Star Wars 2049 Blu-ray edition It was kind of a roller coaster job finishing out a trilogy, as that one had all of the R2D2 prequels thrown in. It was able to fill in a lot of gaps. While others missed all too many major differences and disappointments after writing only the first few chapters, The Star Wars: The Force Awakens had all of the nods and grotesqueries in place.

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The DVD and Blu-ray editions were the same exact thing, with a few major changes made. Advertisement So no, this was not the Star Wars Trilogy movie we couldn’t see all. The X-Wing game was also a standout at this point

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